EEO Networking Solutions is a management- information technology consulting firm specializing in the design, development and implementation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program models, Technical Assistance Programs, and Capacity Building Programs on both federal and state funded Highway Transportation projects.


About Michael Self

Michael Self is the founder of EEO Networking Solutions. He has over 15 years of professional experience in the Civil Rights arena as well as an in-depth knowledge of the Small Business Program Element. He represented AASHTO’s Trnsport solutions for 10 years specializing in Electronic Bidding, Civil Rights, Agency and Contractor compliance, and contractor relations. With over 15 years experience in working with agencies supportive services staff, contract bid letting administrations, prime contractors, the disadvantaged business community, and the FHWA he brings a unique understanding of the needs and complexities of the market place. Mr. Self has built very strong strategic alliances with the prime contracting associations, both the American Road Builders Association and the AGC of America. He assists prime contractors on learning how to correctly outreach to the DBE community on all projects, race neutral and race conscious. He has worked with 42 state Departments of Transportation both on the construction side of the agency and the Civil Rights supportive services side. He is a national presenter and has given 100s of presentations at AASHTO meetings, Civil Rights Conferences, and Transportation Engineering conferences. In 2012 and 2013, he presented at the TRB annual meeting in Washington DC; AASHTO National Civil Rights Conference; International Hiway Engineers Exchange Program. He is a committee member of the Transportation Research Boards DBE committee and a panel member of the National Academes DBE Small Business Program (NCHRP 20-05/Topic 43-08).


Our Solutions for Small Businesses

ENS specializes in providing simple and efficient solutions to the complex problems being faced by small underutilized disadvantaged businesses competing for and performing on, federally assisted highway projects.  With over 15 years’ experience in working with agencies supportive services staff, contract bid letting administrations, prime contractors and the disadvantaged business community, ENS understand the needs and complexities of the market place.

ENS has developed proven web based solutions that help level the playing field by increasing work opportunities and facilitating networking between DBEs and primes on highway construction projects. ENS has developed a strong working partnership with prime contractor associations by assisting their members in understanding and performing DBE outreach.  ENS technical training staff is part of the same staff that trained over 32 Departments of Transportations, and 1000’s of prime contractors on AASHTO’s Expedite software and Electronic bidding web site.  ENS bridges the digital divide by using proven grass roots to technology solutions. One attribute of the company is its unique ability to marry technology, and expertise into user friendly solutions, products and services that exceed program compliance.